It is 100% free to join and use Make Influence โ no hidden fees. It only takes 1 minute.
Create free accountWe manually verify every new creator on the platform and allow brands to access your audience insights for better collaboration proposals.
Create free accountDiscover campaigns that match your interests and apply to as many as you want!
Create free accountChat with brands, align expectations, and start doing what you do best: creating content!
Create free accountKeep track of all content, impressions, clicks, and sales of your promotional content, so both you and the brands are aligned and up to date.
Create free accountThe best part? No need for invoices and running after your salary: you get automatically paid to your bank account every month.
Create free accountWe aim to maintain a high-quality community. Therefore, we have certain criteria for membership:
You should have a minimum of 5000 organic followers on Instagram.
A significant portion of your followers should be from the countries where we operate: UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and The Netherlands.
You must be at least 18 years old to join.
Currently, we only support Instagram for most features. But, we're in the process of adding a TikTok integration! In fact, some TikTok creators are already using our performance tracking technology.
Of course! You're free to do so. We don't directly manage influencers or make you sign contracts. You can join as many campaigns as you'd like on the platform and even outside of it. If you have an agent, they can also handle things for you on the platform if you'd like.
Just remember, it might be good to talk to your agent first to see if they're okay with you working independently through the platform.
To register, you must have a business profile or creator account linked to a Facebook page.
This is because Facebook owns the rights to Instagram and through this, we gain access to your insights.
The majority of collaborations are on a commission based compensation model, meaning you get paid a percentage of the sales you generate for the company, somewhere between 9 and 15% (we track sales, donโt worry), or a fixed sum for each click or sales you generate.
Some brands also offer to pay an upfront amount to some influencers, which you can negotiate with them over the chat.We don't have any contracts that will bind you to us, and we don't take any of your commission, i.e., your earned money.
Furthermore, we don't interfere with how many collaborations you should make, and you control who you want to collaborate with ๐๐ฝ